MATCH REPORT: BYJL South & South Wales Regional Round 2

Report by David Makepeace, photos by Michelle Hale & Danielle Gillespie

The rescheduled Southampton round (#2) of the ‘John-Dig-a-Lot’ backed South & South Wales British Youth & Junior League, took place last Saturday with a total of 74 riders competing, 6 more than the previous round and 9 riders entering the competition for first time this season, bringing the overall total to 109 in the 4 events to date.

Once again the host club, as well as the young riders battled gamely against the weather, with the ‘traditional BYJL Southampton rain’ making its presence felt – however with the determined efforts of Colin Wheeler, assisted by Gavin & Tom Colling, removing much of the water from the track during the afternoon, the racing was completed on time….doing it the Southampton way

A healthy crowd were rewarded with some excellent, determined and competitive racing on a grippy & fast track (despite the weather) from all of the riders across the categories at the Southampton raceway, with the host club providing 3 age category winners, along with Poole, whilst Horspath & Newport claimed one each in just under 100 heats of racing, another great days sport thoroughly enjoyed by riders, helpers, parents and supporters alike.

In the Regional team competition (all age categories) defending Champions Poole totalled 243pts, ahead of Southampton on 162 pts in 2nd, with East Newport 3rd on 106pts, Newport 4th on 99pts, followed by Horspath on 84pts in 5th ahead by 5pts on Exeter.

In the National Qualifying (excludes U8s & U10s) team competition Poole lead the way with 124 pts ahead of Southampton on 92pts, Newport third on 54 pts, Exeter with 47 pts, East Newport with 25pts , Horspath sixth on 23pts.

After the four qualifying rounds the table finished as below, with both Poole & Newport going on to be the regions team representatives in the National rounds

National Team  QualGrand TotalPoints
U8 & U10 Not Included
East Newport1639.5

The next scheduled round (#5) is at Exeter on Saturday 4th August

A Final Results

Under 8           

1st   Oscar Bartlett    Poole

2nd   Issac Laing       Poole

3rd   Jasper Harris    Horspath

4th   Alex Berry      Newport


Under 10          

1st   Tom Comben   Southampton

2nd   Bobby-Ross Doyle Horspath

3rd   Ed Geach    Exeter

4th   Jaxon Marrett East Newport


Under 12          

1st   Roman Boaler    Horspath

2nd   Tullah Curtis Poole

3rd   Sam Comben   Southampton

4th   Kalem Martin    Newport

Under 14          

1st   Teddy Curtis    Poole

2nd   Jamie Randall   Poole

3rd   Tyler Davies    Newport

4th   Joe Gillespie    Southampton

Girls Under 15          

1st   Esme Lewis   Newport

2nd   Millie Shear      Poole

3rd   Ellie George     Newport

Under 16          

1st   George Whale    Southampton

2nd   Harvey Yard  Newport

3rd   Marshall Meade  Horspath

4th   Jake Geach  Exeter

Girls Under 18          

1st   Nat Goulden  Poole

2nd   Lexie Curtis       Poole

3rd   Charlotte Geach   Exeter

4th   Daisy Sherwood  Poole


Under 18          

1st   Leon Penketh    Southampton

2nd   JJ Wildman      Southampton

3rd   Ollie Saunders    Poole

4th   Sonny Whale  Southampton