AUSTRALIA: Lucky for some

Words by Pete Barnes, Pictures by Kayleigh Clarke Whilst Friday 13th is deemed unlucky it was not the case for a few club members at the recent Findon annual end of season presentation evening as it was exactly the opposite. The main awards were as follows: The Harley Medal. Brad Curnow.The Bert Hill Medal. Chad Ricketts.Senior Rider of the year. […]

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AUSTRALIA: Le Fevre celebrate a successful year

Words by Pete Barnes, photos provided by Rob Fleming The highly successful South Australia Le Fevre club staged tbeir annual presentation evening last Friday with a packed clubroom in attendance. The main awards are as follows: Division 1: Paul White Division 2: Josh CandyDivision 3: Connor ScrivenVeterans: Shane JenkinsWomens: Taylor HoffmannPresidents Award: Daniel RobbDaniel Pudney Award: Hudson CandyTeam Shield: StingraysRider […]

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ICSF NEWS: Fitzpatrick steps down as Australian delegate

International Cycle Speedway Federation secretary Mike Hack has issued the following statement: “The ICSF formally announces the resignation of long serving Australian delegate, Fay Fitzpatrick, from her position with the ICSF. I am taking this opportunity to thank Fay for her hard work, dedication and support over many years and wish her every success in her future activities. “At the […]

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2023 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: Entry and ICSF Licence Reminder

Riders who are travelling to Australia for the 2023 World Cycle Speedway Championships and have not yet entered need to do so by no later than Monday 18th September as no late entries will be accepted. Entries can be made at the following link: Also all riders competing in ICSF competitions will be required to be in possession of […]

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2023 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: Revised schedule announced

A revised provisional schedule for the 2023 World Championships in Australia has been issued and can be seen below: Racing will now start on Saturday 18th November and finish on Sunday 3rd December Entries for all official ICSF World Championship competitions will close on Monday 18th September, and the final schedule will be issued shortly afterwards. An information pack and […]

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