NEWS: Poole impress Mayor on busy training night

Poole CSC welcomed Cllr. Phillip Eades to Habourside, to witness the fantastic progress the Dorset side are making with the number of riders participating in Cycle Speedway. The Mayor of Poole was impressed with what he saw at the Poole Clubnight, but politely declined the offer of a race after seeing some of the senior squad in action! Riders as […]

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NEWS: Successful first week

33/18 news has had over 12,000 page views since its launch late last Wednesday night, from over 2,300 visitors from all over the globe. Fantastic stats and shows there is a keen interest in the sport, thank you for your support and special thanks to those who have got in touch with kind words about the site. Keep those stories […]

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NEWS: Eagles sore to Grant Award

Congratulations to two of Ipswich’s long term riders, Daniel Knights and Richard Fellgett, both aged 17, on being awarded a National SportsAid Grant of £500.00 each from SportsAid Eastern whose President is The Right Honourable Sir John Major KG CH whilst their Patron is Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.

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COALVILLE MEETING: Progress report

The Board of British Cycling have discussed the post-Coalville issues and made it clear that their preferred option was for cycle speedway to stay “in-house”. This was also the preferred outcome for clubs attending Coalville but with important provisos – clearly the first weeks and months “après Coalville” will provide vital evidence as to whether or not these can be […]

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NEWS: Website compatibility issues

It has come to our attention that on some web browsers, the text on our website overlaps the graphic images on the sidebar. This is due to incompatible and out of date web browsers. Internet Explorer 8 is the main culprit for this. For your best viewing experience and overall security of your internet use, we recommend you update your […]

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