LETTERS: Dave Hunting radio tribute and VCSRA message

Ex-Long Eaton/Leicester rider and good friend of Dave Hunting, Neil Mason, was featured on BBC Radio Suffolk shortly after Dave’s funeral on 13th March 2015.

Listeners will find the tribute 1 hour, 41 minutes 50 seconds into the show via the following link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02kpxmr

Bill Gill of the Veteran’s Cycle Speedway Riders Association also had the following to say on Dave’s funeral:

Dave Hunting’s funeral was very well supported on Friday 13th March. From the Cycle Speedway Veteran’s committee we had, Colin Booth, Len Adams and myself (Bill Gill) present, as well as numerous other members of the association. There were at least 250 present, also covered on BBC Radio Suffolk. Tributes were paid by Neil Mason, ex Cycle Speedway rider and friend of Dave Hunting and myself.
On behalf of the Veteran Association, I made a contribution to the local hospice and wildlife associations.