BREAKING NEWS: Midland Region breaks away from British Cycling
By an independentĀ correspondent.
In a far reaching and sensational development in relation to the future governance of the sport, the Midlands Region will not remain with British Cycling in 2015. The Midlands League will instead run under the TLI banner in 2015.
British Cycling were informed officially, by the Midlands League Committee, in writing of the decision by email last evening. In order to ensure British Cycling were in receipt of the information first, 33/18News have courteously waited until 10am this morning to issue the news.
The news follows protracted, lengthy and harmonious talks and meetings between all the Midland clubs. The Midland League Committee has now fully endorsed the will of the Midland area clubs by officially informing British Cycling of their decision.
The move follows an open, transparent and democratic meeting of all Midland clubs at Bretford on Saturday 17th May. The clubs voted unanimouslyto leave British Cycling.
A further vote was then held, this time in writing via email. This also resulted in an overwhelming vote to leave British Cycling.
It is thought there are numerous reasons as to why the Midland clubs have acted in such a united way. These include the perceived lack of democracy within the sport, lack of funding, absence of any promotion or marketing, and the withdrawal of the annual AGM.
Many have felt that their response to the Coalville meeting has not been meaningful or helpful, which is a huge disappointment given the strength of feeling from within the sport.
The imposition of the hated `rider levy`, which at a stroke gave British Cycling by far the biggest share of every match day income, for which British Cycling provided no input on race days, was thought to be the final straw.