BYJL: Team GP Scores after national round 2 at Ipswich

Here are the updated Team GP scores for the British Youth and Junior League series, after national round 2 at Ipswich Cycle Speedway.

Number Of Riders

 Region RR1 RR2 RR3 RR4 NR1 NR2 NR3 NR4 Total Riders
Eastern Region 57 59 59 51  – 103 103
Midlands Region 52 53 51 56  – 0
Northern Region 43 46 48 30 96  – 96
South & South Wales 64 76 60 68  – 0
Total Riders 216 234 218 205 96 103 1072


Team Scores

National  NR1 Score NR1
NR2 Score NR2
NR3 Score NR3
NR4 Score NR4
Total Scores Total Points
Kesgrave 200 8 245 8 445 16
Poole 77 4.5 85 6 162 10.5
Sheffield 129 7 63 2 192 9
Leicester 77 4.5 76 4.5 153 9
Ipswich 61 1 169 7 230 8
Astley 95 6 58 1 153 7
Exeter 65 2 76 4.5 141 6.5
Wednesfield 71 3 70 3 141 6