RESULTS: South East GP Round 7 at Kesgrave
Results are in for the final round of the South East Grand Prix Series Round 7 at Kesgrave.
A Final Results
U8: 1st Keaton Ripper (Ipswich), 2nd Charlie Beeton (Kesgarve), 3rd Noah Woodhouse (Kesgarve), 4ht Leo Vincent (Kesgarve)
U10: 1st Oli Reynolds (Kesgrave), 2nd Oli Wright (Kesgarve), 3rd Tom Skinner (Kesgrave), 4th Jake Cazey (Kesgrave)
U12: 1st Jake Vincent (Kesgrave), 2nd Kai Mangar (Kesgrave), 3rd Ben Clarke (Ipswich), 4th Oscar Webb (Ipswich)
U14: 1st Tyler Brinkhoff (Kesgrave), 2nd Jay Berry (Kesgrave), 3rd Charlie Long (Kesgarve), 4th Evan Vincent (Kesgrave)
Senior: 1st Jamie Medler (Norwich), 2nd Luke Gifkins (Kesgrave)
Veterans: 1st Ray Pyke (Kesgrave), 2nd Gary Brown (Kesgrave), 3rd Ian Johnson (Ipswich), 4th John Oakley (Kesgrave)
36 Riders
Referees: Gary Brown, Ray Pyke, Mark Reynolds
Final Standings: (best 6 rounds)
U8: 1st Charlie Beeton (Kesgrave) 135, 2nd Leo Vincent (Kesgrave) 114, 3rd Noah Woodhouse (Kesgrave) 103, 4th Magnus Vincent (Kesgrave) 82
U10: 1st Oli Wright (Kesgrave) 145, Oli Reynolds (Kesgrave) 130, 3rd Callum Brown (Kesgrave) 99, 4th Tom Skinner (Kesgrave) 95
U12: 1st Lewis Brinkhoff (Kesgrave) 150, 2nd Jake Vincent (Kesgrave) 123, 3rd Kai Mangar (Kesgrave) 104, 4th Alfie Steward (Kesgrave) 90
U14: 1st Piece Bacon (Ipswich) 125, 2nd Harrison Bacon (Ipswich) 121, 3rd Tyler Brinkhoff
(Kesgrave) 109, 4th Evan Vincent (Kesgrave) 85
U16: 1st Ben Harvey (Ipswich) 100, Rohan Ewbank (Norwich) 60
Girls 12-17: 1st Lily Gedge (Kesgrave) 150, 2nd Lisa-Marie Bown (Ipswich) 114, Chloe Pearce
(Ipswich) 110
Senior: 1st Jamie Medler (Norwich) 106, 2nd Luke Gifkins (Kesgrave) 81#, 3rd Richard Fellgett
(Ipswich) 81, 4th Daniel Knights (Ipswich) 79
# won race-off by default.
Veteran: 1st Gary Brown (Kesgrave) 145, 2nd Ray Pyke (Kesgrave) 105, 3rd Stuart Gedge (Kesgrave) 102, 4th Ian Johnson (Ipswich) 90