LETTERS: Thanks for the heart-warming letter
Northumbria’s Terry Kirkup has written to us in response to Joe McLaughlin’s letter, “Northumbria Cycle Speedway – An inspiration for our sport“.
I am flattered, as is the rest of our dedicated little band, to have read Joe McLaughlin’s heart-warming letter in 3318 News today. Many thanks Joe, that was totally unexpected.
It’s fantastic to be appreciated, but even more fantastic to have you folk visit us to either race or support others. As what is still, in truth, a veteran’s club with the odd sub-40 year old emerging, we still can’t quite believe what has happened up here. I have to thank the tremendous support we’ve had from the School and the Sporting Club, and also the financial backing from various local councils and our amazing sponsors.
Initially we “went for it” in the mistaken (naive?) belief our super little Sport was on the way up. We know better now of course, and must do what we can to help the Sport’s Elders put things right again. Meantime though, I hope we’ve been and will continue to be as accommodating to all visiting riders and supporters as we must have been to Joe – you are all welcome here, always. And thumbs up to 3318 for keeping the Cycle Speedway World up to date following the untimely and unwelcome demise of its forerunner, Spokesman.
Terry Kirkup
Northumbria CSC
Editor: Many thanks for the kinds words about the website, Terry.
If you have anything you would like to add or have something else about Cycle Speedway that you wish to say, please email 3318news@gmail.com.