NEWS: Norfolk meeting report
Just under 20 people, including Cycle Speedway Commission Chair Graham Elliott, attended a so-called “crisis meeting” at Harford Community Centre to look at the future of the sport in Norfolk. The current situation, particularly the sustainability of county competitions and the problems around recruitment and retention, was outlined.
A very full discussion was held and reference made to various development and best practice information provided by British Cycling. A raft of outline ideas was considered and adopted as a “wish list”. Some work has already been done on some of these so follow-up work is now needed.
A flavour of some of the ideas is as follows:
Recruitment & Retention
– “Go-Ride” events at the four tracks, possibly two on each – one on an evening and one on an Elite League Sunday
– Follow-up club nights at all four tracks on a regular basis and these to be well structured and innovative
– Make in-roads into schools wherever possible
– Explore links with University of East Anglia
– Encourage group visits, both from other forms of cycling and other youth groups
– Explore more best practice ideas from successful clubs around the country
Promotion & Publicity
– A cycle-speedway presence and race at the Gas Hill Gasp – a popular local hill-climb cycle event
– Being part of the Lord Mayor’s Procession to include bikes, fancy dress, banners and stickers
– A presence at the Norfolk Show (two days) possibly linked to Active Norfolk
– A re-print of fliers
– Features on Mustard TV – a local community station
– Recommencement of regular weekly press article
– Improved links with Radio Norfolk
– A more prominent use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter
– Norfolk Championships all on one day, probably am Elite League Sunday
– A four-a-side team event on the four tracks again on Elite League Sundays
– No plans to continue the Grand Prix Series
The over-riding positivity from the meeting was a determination to work together, pool resources wherever possible and a desire to suceed.
A further meeting is planned for Tuesday March 17th at the same venue to finalise plans and put more detail on to some or all of these ideas and consider many more.
At the end of the meeting Graham Elliott presented to Paddy Wenn and Gary Colby the British Cycling Fair Play Award awarded to Norwich in 2014.