NEWS: Franks backs Stoke revival bid

One of the biggest names in Stoke Cycle Speedway history is backing plans to bring the sport back to the Potteries area as interest builds ahead of a public meeting in Stoke On Trent next week.

Stoke legend Andy Franks has thrown his weight behind the exciting plans and feels the time is right for the attempted revival. He has welcomed the news that several key people associated with the sport in the Potteries are to attend next weeks public meeting.

Franks said: “I believe the vision and strategy adopted for the attempted revival is a good one and has the best chance of success”.

Organisers behind the bid to revive interest in Stoke are working towards a ‘Clubnight’ scenario, whereby ‘come and try it sessions’ are staged by people on the ground in Stoke to build interest – rather than attempting to send a team to far-flung places.

The public meeting will go-ahead on Thursday 21st May at 7.30pm at Etruscan Primary School, Dundee Road, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent. ST1 4BS.

The meeting will be chaired by Avon Allcock, who is chairman of the local Friends of Etruria Park, in which the Stoke Cycle Speedway track is located.