NEWS: Cycle Speedway commission position to be filled

There is currently a space to be filled on the British Cycling Cycle Speedway Commission which for 2016.
Each member of this Commission has an area of responsibility allocated to them, though all have an overall responsibility to try to develop Cycle Speedway as a sport and as such, will have a significant input into how the sport is run. The position currently vacant oversees anything connected with facilities.
The BC CS Commission meets three to four times a year, at a date and venue to suit the majority of it’s members. Reasonable expenses are paid to attend these meetings, and subject to prior agreement with BCHQ, for costs incurred for work done and meetings attended on behalf of the BC CS Commission at other times.
Anyone interested in playing a significant part in moulding the future of Cycle Speedway by becoming a member of the BC CS Commission is asked to email Paul West ( by 31st December expressing this interest and detailing their previous experience within Cycle Speedway plus any background information on themselves which they feel might be helpful to fulfill this role.