CLUB NEWS: Aces celebrate healthy Club Championship success
Wednesfield’s Club Championship night came on the back of two further Go-Ride events staged in the past month, with new riders to Cycle Speedway were encouraged to take part.
The Aces’ youngest member was under 4 years of age, with other age groups going upwards to Under 17s.
The club has held thirty two Tuesday club coaching session this year averaging, 22 young riders per session. The Aces four level two British Cycling coaches Steve Mullinder, Wayne Tipton, Lee Aris and Tom Haddock, all take active parts in the two sessions staged on Tuesday nights, with excellent support from parents behind the scene.
With coaching, fitness and conditioning sessions taken by Lee Aris on a Thursday night for the senior riders, all riders at the club are certainly seeing the benefit from the qualifications the coaches have achieved throughout the past year.
The club will again stage indoor gymnasium sessions across the winter months with fun, games and fitness being the focus, something that was very well supported last season by all ages of members at Wednesfield.
Coach Wayne Tipton said: “Like every Go-Ride Clubmark Cycle Speedway club, we are actively coaching in the community and the feedback from new people to Cycle Speedway recently has been positive towards seeing the sport for the first time.
“It was evident last Sunday, with over 200 spectators at the Aces track for the end of season clash against Horspath being a great advert for Cycle Speedway from both Clubs.”
Tipton added: “Finally congratulations to all Wednesfield Aces Junior club championship winners and thank you to the parents who have supported the Tuesday club nights, as well as the Wednesfield Aces junior members who have all helped make this a successful season in both BYJL and Tuesday club nights.”
Under 4s
1st Ben Davies 2nd Millie Haddock
Under 5s
1st Kylan Bould 2nd Logan Haddock 3rd Ewan Turner
Under 8s
1st Corey Burt 2nd Peter Middleton 3rd Bailey Lacy-Pugh 4th( EQUAL) Joban Soori & Joseph Turner 5th Robyn Vaughan 6th Connor Murphy
Under 10s
1st Diego Corran 2nd Riley Peace 3rd Kai Jackson 4TH Charlotte Parfitt
Under 12s
1st Megan Burt
Under 14s
1st Tyler Bould 2nd Kyle Moore 3rd Megan Burt
Junior Girls
1st Georgia Burt
Under 17s
1st Carl Parfitt 2nd Adam Tipton 3rd Tom Dipple