REMINDER: Only graded referees can referee cycle speedway matches

Tarn Fynn has been in touch to remind all clubs that the only people who can referee an official cycle speedway match in the UK this season, under the jurisdiction of British Cycling, are those who are listed in the 2019 Cycle Speedway Directory as graded referees, i.e. A, B or C graded referees. Official Referees’ Training Courses were run in all four cycle speedway regions last winter, to enable any new and interested referees to be trained up and eligible to referee matches from the start of the 2019 season onwards.
If there is no official, qualified, referee present the match should not go ahead. Any match that has previously gone ahead without a qualified referee will be void and the result will be awarded to the visiting team. It is the host clubs responsibility to ensure they have the appropriate officials in place, ensuring they do not compromise the insurance cover provided by British Cycling.