NEWS: Updates from British Cycling
Tarn Fynn has been in touch with the following updates:
National Individual Championships
Following the entry deadline this weekend, the formulae have been confirmed and the draw has been completed. Where there are gaps in the draw, entries can be accepted on a first come first serve basis. No additional entries can be accepted where the draws are full. For any categories where pre-qualification is required, please let British Cycling and the event coordinator know if a rider is withdrawing for any reason, as this could affect the remaining programme. If riders withdraw in advance, then the final in these events will take place at the scheduled time, however if it is only on the day that BC find out a pre-qualifier is not necessary then the final will take place in its place.
Thanks to the organising committee and CS commission for their input into the programme. Contacts for each venue are included in the draw sheet and should be updated with any relevant changes along with the event coordinator.
The full draw and schedule will appear on 33/18 News towards the end of this week
Knock Out Cup
The Knock Out Cup is due to take place on the 10th and 11th September in Leicester in the same format as last year. Please enter your club via the following form by the 10th August. Late entries will not be accepted.
Job vacancy
Tarn will be leaving British Cycling on the 11th August and will be moving to the Events Manager role at Scottish Cycling, so will continue to work with clubs north of the border and have some involvement in Cycle Speedway. He has found it great working with such a passionate group of volunteers who hold this discipline together and he finds it is one of the most accessible and inclusive sports and can play a huge part in getting more people riding bikes. His role is now open for applications here:
Please do circulate this within your networks and if anyone has any questions before applying to the role Tarn would be happy to help.