CLUB NEWS: Hull stage presentation night

Words by Andy Schofield, photo by Liz Gibson
The Hull Cycle Speedway Club staged their club presentation and social night at The Hessle Rugby club last Friday night. The best turn out for a few years celebrated the achievements of all the clubs riders. The Presidents shield for the ‘most improved junior rider’ went to Harry Gibson with Kacey Bennett winning the Committee’s Choice shield for ‘most improved senior rider’ and Ellwood Harrison was awarded the club member of the year trophy. Gifts were also presented to Diane Bellis, Andy Schofield and Claire Harrison.

This season Hull will continue in all three North & Scotland leagues, the Northern Fours & Grand Prix and the Yorkshire League. The club will also stage some major events, during the season, including The North & Scotland KO Cup Final, The British CS Cup and a national round of the British Youth & Junior League.