LETTERS: Good luck Dannielle

Hethersett’s Katie Adams has written in on behalf of the Hawks, with a good luck message to Dannielle Riley, who is hanging up her wheels to join the RAF.

We at Hethersett Hawks would like to thank Danielle Riley for being such a dedicated rider to us over the last two years. Danni has been an absolute credit to the club and has helped gain nationwide recognition for our little village through her individual successes.

She has also been a good friend and her team spirit and dedication has not gone unrecognised. Although we’re sad to see her go, we wish her every success in her future career in the RAF and hope to see her back on the track in the future as well! We’re sure we haven’t seen the last of her.

In closing, we’d like to remind Danni that once a Hawk, always a Hawk. We will be supporting her every step of the way and there will always be a special place on the team for her and it will never be filled, no matter who comes along.

Good luck Danni, from all at 33/18 News.

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