VIDEO: Nasty crash at Hearsall Common

There was a dramatic finale at Hearsall Common this afternoon, with two big crashes in the final heat.
The first incident was caught by Coventry fan Jamie Turner, as Myke Grimes came off worse after a tussle with Mark Winwood, only for Scott Millward to run over Grimes’ head, leaving the Coventry rider with mild concussion and a cut head. In the re-run it was Scott Millward who came off after a physical run into the corner with Grimes, which also caught up Coventry’s Tom Sensicall.
It was third time lucky as Grimes took the win from Winwood, Millward and Sensicall, bringing the meeting to it’s close and moving Birmingham into second place in the table, as the second city team took the points home.
See the Winwood/Grimes/Millward crash in slo-mo below.