NEWS: Indoor makes popular return

The Coventry Cycle Speedway club promoted Sunday evening indoor training and racing sessions made a popular return to the Sports Connexion, Ryton, near Coventry, yesterday evening.
Riders, from as afar as Swindon and Sheffield, flocked to the central location to test out the excellent track and facilities ahead of the British Indoor championships on 3rd/4th January 2015.
A spokesman for Coventry CSC said: “We are delighted. We were hoping for 15 riders with it being so close to the end of the traditional outdoor season but we were astonished to see close to double that queue up for the opening night”.
The events at the Sports Connexion, now seen as the centre of winter activity for the sport, continue this Sunday 9th November from 7pm to 9pm. They continue their run until the British Indoor finals in January. All riders and clubs are welcome.