NEWS: Somersham get off to a flyer!

Ten children aged 4-13 and one dad attended Somersham Stars’ first club night session to be put through their paces by Ipswich Eagles Chairman, Jamie Goldsmith aided by the Eagles brothers Ben & Alex Harvey.
The children went through various training exercises including Chase the Pack, Gating, competitive age/ability racing and the dreaded Pyramid.
It was enjoyed by all and it was great to see the Somersham Shirts being worn again.
It’s hoped to continue the growth of the club over the coming months with the possibility of competitive racing in local competitions if the club decides to affiliate to BC this season or local challange matches.
It’s been a promising start to the club’s resurrection with a number of the parents looking to join in and help out.
A Big thank you to Myke Grimes and 33/18 designs for their help in designing and printing the 500 flyers delivered to the local primary school and surrounding village houses.
EDITORS NOTE: Happy to help, it certainly goes to show a little bit of enthusiasm and promotion can go a long way.