LETTERS: Relieved (but saddened) to realise that I’m not alone

ICSF Secretary, Dave Murphy sheds light on his time as a high profile decision maker in Cycle Speedway. Here is what he had to say:
I’ve just read the comments from Myke Grimes (and follow-up message from Graham Elliott) on 33/18 News, and I’m saddened to hear that someone such as Myke has been put through the emotional treadmill that often befalls Cycle Speedway administrators.
However, I do sense a mild feeling of relief to realise that I’m not alone, as I’ve also found myself on the same emotional treadmill which has frequently left me reflecting on whether it’s really worth the effort.
Certainly, I’ve always received the usual words of encouragement when being asked to accept new roles within the sport – “You’re the best man for the job Dave, we need you on board”…..then the reality soon comes into focus as the negative feedback begins to circulate and every suggestion or proposal is knocked back (often based on the personal interests of those concerned). Then the realisation that rather than being the best man for the job, your actually the only soft bugger who was silly enough to take on the responsibility.
When will cycle speedway people come to realisation that their negativity towards the sports administration (whether BC related or otherwise) has become something which is strangling the very enthusiasm of people such as Myke (and myself for that matter) and causing us to question the valuable time, effort and personal cost that we give so freely?
Does anyone want to take on the ICSF role which I initially tried to offload in 2013?…….applications would be gratefully accepted.
Dave Murphy
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