2018 EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS: Bas going for gold

Press officer for the upcoming European Championships, Konrad Cinkowski, talks to 33/18 News about Dawid Bas, the runner-up in the 2016 Championships at Poole and current Poole and South West and Wales rider.
This season’s results of Dawid Bas on Polish and British tracks can make his opponents worry. Świętochłowice born Bas is in good form this season and will be one of the favourites for a medal in the Open Individual European Championships, and one of the favourites for a place in Polish National Team in Team European Championships final.
This season, Bas focused on representing Poole Comets in the South West and Wales League managing to prove his worth with average score of 3.95 point for heat, which means in whole season he was beaten just once!
In Poland competing for MS Śląsk, Bas managed to get 88 points with 3 bonuses giving him average score of 3.5 for heat – same as Marcin Szymański (Lwy Avia Częstochowa) but in more meetings.

Dawid Bas leads in the 2016 European Final. Photo by Graham Robins.
The competitor from Poland will have a chance to win another medal in Individual European Championships. Two years ago in Poole Bas was only beaten by Łukasz Nowacki for whom it was first European golden medal in his career.
This year, Bas will start in qualification round B (10:30am) where he will compete against riders like Fraser Garnett, Tomasz Włodarczyk, Paul Heard or Piotr Kuder. Qualifying for Sundays finals (9:00/11:00 hour) shouldn’t be a problem for competitor from Świętochłowice which should also help him getting called up for Polish National Team for teams final.
Starting under Krzysztof Bas in National Team – Dawid knows the taste of gold medal which he won 2 years ago: “It will be a great chance to show our strength on our turf. In last IEC final I managed to get silver medal so plan minimum for this year is to defend that medal.
‘At the same time obviously I will try to attack the place of best rider in Europe. Im working hard to get called up for National Team as well and defend the title we’ve won in 2016”
New head coach of Polish National Team – Damian Woźny is considering calling up Bas for his team who on 8th of July in Częstochowa in 10th round of Polish League managed to get 17 points with one bonus (4,3*,4,4,2) proving that 21 year old feels great on track at Starzyńskiego 10a. His score could have been better if it wasn’t for one mistake Bas made in his last start and fall when he was in lead.
Starting List 2nd elimination round “Open”
(1) Leigh Cossey ( Ireland )
(2) Fraser Garnett ( Wales )
(3) Piotr Kuder ( Poland )
(4) Tomasz Włodarczyk ( Poland )
(5) Jan Knapiński ( Poland )
(6) Dawid Bas ( Poland )
(7) Jakub Kuś ( Poland )
(8) Harley Hamill ( Ireland )
(9) Paul Heard ( England )
(10) Hayden Rowles ( England )
(11) Dean Hook ( Wales )
(12) Lewis Brinkhoff ( England )
(13) Maximilian Evans ( England )
(14) Lee Kemp ( Scotland )
(15) Craig Marchant ( England )
(16) Will Bristowe ( Wales )