ICSF NEWS: Update from Auckland

Update from Auckland, New Zealand
The ICSF, via Mick Harley in Australia, has also received promising news from Bryan Scott in New Zealand confirming that progress at the site for the Auckland cycle speedway track is on schedule.
Bryan said “Our site is well underway and the project includes International tracks for BMX and Cycle speedway along with Go-Karts, Off Roaders, Motor Cross/Super Cross and Jet Sprint Boats” he added that “This is a huge project and we are looking to be the first to complete later this year”.
On behalf of the ICSF Dave Murphy has confirmed that Bryan Scott, the local council and Auckland tourism board have been working to the possibility of staging ICSF Worlds in 2017. Murphy told 33/18 that “Following the 2013 ICSF meeting in Adelaide, Auckland was invited to stage the 2017 World Championships on the proviso that they successfully hold an International race event during 2016”.
“The criteria for a ‘successful’ staging will need to be clarified and agreed, whilst Australian ICSF representative Mick Harley is looking to take Aussie riders to Auckland in February 2016 with an open invitation to European riders included” added Murphy.