AUSTRALIA: No quarters given in Division One league

The Division 1 League held at Findon last Sunday was an exciting meeting with quite a few incidents. It appeared that all the riders had in their brain that they were racing against GB and no quarter was given as you can see in the photo with Brodie Charlson ending up as a fence sitter.
All teams suffered with exclusions or someone failing to finish due to accidents. Braden Makepeace (Findon) failed to finish in race 4 after a spill, Brodie Charlson (Salisbsury) and Jack Norman (LeFevre) both suffered from a gate exclusion and Paul White (LeFevre) excluded for ramming.
All teams rode well and the hard training that they have endured for the past 8 months is showing fruition.
Salisbury Jets 67, Findon Comets 56, LeFevre Dolphins 52.