NEWS: Wednesfield Aces committee members receive awards

Members of the Wednesfield Aces committee were invited to attend a ceremony by the Mayor of Wolverhampton to celebrate with other sporting clubs the work volunteers do in sports clubs across the city. Peter Holmes M.B.E described how the city was proud of the role Wednesfield played in staging the World Cycle Speedway Finals in August and had made city proud to stage such a prestigious event.
As founder member Paul Bodley received an award on behalf of Wednesfield Aces for recognition of the clubs 50 years service to Cycle Speedway and Wolverhampton sporting Clubs.
Dave Jewkes received the award of Volunteer of the Year from the Wolverhampton Sports advisory committee for his outstanding service as secretary and committee member at Wednesfield. Dave more or less built the new pits building single handed and has been instrumental in the success of the club over the past 25 years.
Steve Mullinder received a merit award for coaching young riders, being part of the team staging the world finals so well at Wednesfield, British Cycling coach and for services to Wednesfield Aces Tuesday club nights, which this year saw fifty seven young riders attend the sessions planned by Steve.
Wayne Tipton received a merit award for service to Wednesfield Aces Cycle Speedway Club in staging the world finals and for the role he does as BYJL coordinator for the Aces, being a British Cycling coach. Wayne was also instrumental in helping to secure funding to stage the Cycle Speedway finals at Wednesfield.
Roger Ellis who is already a member of the Wolverhampton sporting clubs hall of fame for his world title achievements across the 50 years he has been involved in Cycle Speedway also attended the awards ceremony.
Adam Tipton received his young volunteers award for voluntary work both on and off the track. We cover his story HERE.