CLUB NEWS: Kesgrave expands local racing programme
Many of the younger Kesgrave Panthers Cycle Speedway Club members are unable to race at national events due to the distances involved and only compete at local events.
To provide increased race opportunities for Kesgrave youngsters locally, a junior SPARK League has been introduced.
The youngsters have been split into five teams, Lions (yellow shirts), Pumas (black), Panthers (blue), Tigers (orange) and Jaguars (pink) where riders race as individuals to the benefit of their team.
Racing takes place immediately prior to Kesgrave senior events with many youngsters remaining at the trackside to watch their older team mates in action.
The SPARK league has been running during the summer months of 2016 with the initial meetings taking place before team shirts were available.
It was difficult for the youngsters to identify with their team, some being so young they were unaware who their team mates were and which team they were in.
Coloured team shirts have changed the events beyond recognition with riders now congregating with their team mates in the pits and shouting encouragement from the sidelines. The atmosphere has been totally transformed.
Our thanks go to the Kesgrave local charity SPARK for providing the funding for the different coloured kit for the teams to wear.