BYJL: Information for round one of the BYJL Nationals and Little League

The National Rounds of the BYJL (incorporating the Little League) start this Saturday at Kesgrave, followed by rounds at East Park on July 15, Exeter on August 12 and Sheffield on September 9. Each round gets underway with the U8s at 10.00.
This year, the U8s and U10s will run under the Little League banner. Whilst the points do not count towards the team competition scores, trophies, medals, and organisation will be as in previous years.
The only change is that these rounds are open to all riders irrespective of whether they have ridden in this year’s regional rounds. The aim is to give the younger riders a taste of the competition, so any new riders can compete.
For the BYJL itself the number of riders starting to take part in this year’s competition as it has progressed has caused a re-think on the qualification criteria, and it has been agreed that for anyone in the U12s and upwards categories participation in just one regional round is sufficient to enable participation in the National rounds.

Kesgrave Cycle Speedway
The entrance fees for all age categories remains unchanged at £4, and as usual riders just need to sign in on the day to participate.
The teams in the team competition are: Astley & Tyldesley, Sheffield, Coventry, Leicester, Kesgrave, Ipswich, Poole and Exeter.
BYJL coordinator, Ross Mee, commented: “The increase in the number of riders who have taken part in this year’s regional rounds has been most encouraging and I now hope that all Clubs will encourage riders to participate in at least the National round to be held in your region.
“Clearly not everyone will want to travel to all the rounds, but that should not stop them supporting this competition locally.”
If anyone needs any further information they can contact Ross on: or 07769 734581.