CLUB NEWS: East Newport gain new coaches
With East Newport Cycle Speedway Club’s return to full time racing, a need for British Cycling qualified coaches has been necessary. Thanks to funding from the community, the club now has three Level 1 coaches in Chris Wright, Rob Absalom & Jamielea Walters (pictured).
All three passed their course, which was held in Amman Valley Leisure Centre with flying colours, and can now apply their new found skills to training nights held at the East Newport polo on Tuesdays and Thursdays, where a resurgence in rider numbers has been welcomed by the club’s management.
Chris added: “The weekends spent with members from other cycling disciplines was really useful. We now have close links with them and a mandate to invite them down to try Cycle Speedway has been agreed.”
Former British Under 13 Girls Champion, Jamielea said: “I have really enjoyed helping out again at my cycle speedway club and having a chance to put something back into this great club means a lot to me.”
The East Newport committee congratulated the new coaches and look forward to at least one of them gaining Level 2 and Cycle Speedway specific coaching levels.