AUSTRALIA: White wins Veterans GP series

Words by Pete Barnes, Pictures by Shane Below
Despite the unseasonal weather a healthy attendance attended the final
round of the Veterans Grand Prix event at Le Fevre last Friday evening.
After seven very competitive rounds the overall victor would be decided
after a tie break between the evenings top three who all just dropped a single point to each other. In a highly charged four laps it was Paul White who took the chequered flag and it turn the Veterans GP Championship for 2019.
Brad Hoppo would have been satisfied with his overall runners up position
whilst Matt Gentle appeared more than comfortable with a round eight bronze award.
Paul White 19, Brad Hoppo 19, Matt Gentle 19, Warren Corbett 17, Simon Harley 15, Andrew Nieuwenhoven 15, Sam Rochester 15, Robert Dutton 13, Andrew Blatchford 12, Beau Hastings 11, Tom Mowbray 10