2023 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS: Declarations of Interest close this Friday

An official announcement and draft schedule was issued by the International Cycle Speedway Federation (ICSF) on 31st August, regarding the 2023 World Cycle Speedway Championships being held in South Australia, from 14th November to 3rd December 2023.
Invitations are now being sought for the post of Tour Director. The successful applicant will be offered guidance from previous visits. Interested parties are invited to contact Rick Clarkson at British Cycling via email, richardclarkson@britishcycling.org.uk no later than Friday 11th November.
It will be helpful if riders, officials and supporters can also contact Rick, again by Friday 11th November, to declare their interest in traveling to the Championships. This will assist with planning for the tournament. The ICSF and Australian Council are open to amending the draft schedule, to suit the likely numbers participating in the tournament.