CLUB NEWS: Hethersett stage presentation evening

Words by Mel Perkins MBE, Photos by Jenny Melvin
HETHERSETT HAWKS / YELLOW BRICK MORTGAGES welcomed over 70 members, families and supporters to their Presentation Evening held at Hethersett Social Club to celebrate one of the most successful seasons in the Club’s long history. Events opened with everyone cheering the successes as members were presented again with their Club and Norfolk Championships plus the rare occurrence of four national titles and a Eurovets series winner. To round this part off the 10 most regular team members received trophies to celebrate runners-up position in South-East League Division Two.
After chaotic party games and a buffet, sponsored by Yellow Brick Mortgages, it was down to the main business of the evening – presenting Club awards for the season. First up was Mason Martin to receive the 1st team top scorer award followed by Commitment Awards – Oscar Copeland for attendances at Club activities and Luca El-Labany for commitment to competitions all over the country.
Team Managers then announced their awards for Team Rider of the Year – Lola Martin was presented with the Youth Team award and Harley Hamill the 1st Team award. Club Coach Nigel Longlands and his team had plenty to choose from for their Coach’s Award but they agreed that Nigel should present the award to Arlo Davies.
Dave Martin, who had arranged sponsorship for many of the trophies by FedEx, stepped up to present the awards for Best Newcomers and Most Improved Riders. The selection by Committee members from short lists were kept secret and, in true “Oscar ceremony” style, envelopes were opened to reveal the recipients –
Best Newcomers – Under-10 – Alfie Gunn; Under-14 – Yeva Makieieva; Over-14 – Michael Gunn
Most Improved – Under-10 – Nyla El-Labany; Under-14 – Amelia Dodson; Over-14 – Ross Carman
The award to Yeva was particularly well received – the Ukrainian refugee being a popular new member in 2022
Dave Martin was centre stage again – this time to receive the Club Member of the Year award from the Chairman. His Tuesday training sessions from 8 p.m. have strengthened up the riders and his experience in directing team members young and old, not just tactically but also how to behave and support one another, has helped the success of the club in 2022.
After a raffle, which raised £127 for Club funds, the final awards, which were decided by those attending on the night, were presented by long-serving member Leigh Cossey. The young people present voted as their Young Sportsperson of the Year Austin Brailey while the older people present voted as their Sportsperson of the Year Dave Martin – a fine tribute to someone who joined the Club in 1990 and is now giving so much back.

During the evening the Club made presentations to the coaches and trainers for their work over 59 sessions on Tuesdays and Saturdays and to round off a thoroughly enjoyable evening special presentations were made to the Chairman and Secretary.
Everyone went away eagerly anticipating the return to racing in March although some are involved in indoor activity and cyclo-cross this winter.