WEBSITE: New league pages

The standing page for the DMP Polish League 2014 series and the Midland League have been completed, joining the Elite League in our new series of pages, which will stay on the site after the season has finished and new pages will be madeĀ for 2015.
The other three regions are also getting completed new pages, however they’re quite chunky and take a bit of time to put together. They are all available to view right now, however the Northern, South East and South and South Wales are still yet to have Fixtures and Results added to the league table. The Elite League Combination results will be added to the Elite League page once we get an updated league table.
You can access the pages by going to “Competitions” in the menu strip at the top. Look under “Regional” for the Midland, Northern, South East and South and South Wales leagues.
Alternatively you can click on these links:
Elite League
DMP Polish League
Midland League
Northern League
South East League
South and South Wales League