OBITUARY: John Whiting

Friend and Bury colleague, John Burston, has written to us with an obituary for the late, great John Whiting.
John Whiting died on Friday evening after being ill for some months, and finally succumbing to the effects of pancreatic cancer in hospital, with his family at his bedside.
John had ridden for around 45 years and during that time he had made numerous British Individual finals, had set his foot on the rostrum and during the 70s, I understand that he was an ever present in the final.
The British Team Championship was no stranger either to John and the legendary Blackley team of the 70s and Manchester team of the 80s. John being in the winning team around five times and making ten finals.
Even in his later years he was a fierce competitor in the Eurovets winning that also on one occasion.
He was a well known and respected referee at International level and served on many committees in various roles.
He had, for some time now, been a member of the Bury club and was very proud of his association with them being team manager and secretary.
During his cycling years, John was known for his fierce, no quarter given style of riding, and could be equally as fierce off track as he did not suffer fools gladly, but gained many friends internationally for his lifetime commitment to the sport he loved.
He has left many, many people saddened by his passing and would be most embarrassed by these and any other words thought to be singing his praises, as he was quite a private person who just got on with things without a big fuss.
From all your old team mates and club mates R.I.P. John the sport is poorer for your passing.
John Burston