INDOOR: Coventry Cycle Speedway Club – Club Statement

The Coventry Cycle Speedway club wish to publicly state the latest position on the potential staging of the British Indoor Championships finals for this winter.

In the normal way, expressions of interest have been circulated by British Cycling (on two separate occasions) as to the staging of this years competition. None have been received.

The sport should note the promotion of the Indoor is a massive undertaking in all of organisation, setting-up, securing of hotels, provision of equipment and marketing. The effort of staging 8 British championships condensed into two days (or even three)  is extremely shattering to any individual (s). The staging costs are significant – Coventry CSC cannot be exposed to any potential loss as they have to partly fund their projected new track.

It is now a condition of staging the British Indoor that a `Speedway style` airfence is provided. The costs of this provision is very high.

Due to many emails and verbal approaches received by Coventry, and in order for the sport to have an Indoor finals this year, the Coventry club are prepared to apply to stage the Indoor, with all the associated workload and financial risk, should they secure sponsorship to underwrite the high staging costs by 5pm this Friday evening (16th October). Club personnel are activity pursuing this.

The Coventry club would be delighted to hear from any companies or individuals who may be interested in sponsoring the whole of the British Indoor finals this year, or any part of it

Please email your interest to the Coventry secretary by 5pm this Friday to:

The Coventry club would like to thank Paul West at British Cycling for his help and support on matters surrounding the possible staging of the British Indoor finals this winter.