RESULTS: South East BYJL Round 3

Here are the A-final results for round three of the British Youth and Junior League from Kesgrave.
The home club dominated proceedings until the U17 and Girls categories, providing the winners for the first four events, with Ipswich claiming all the A-final places for the final two. Kesgrave’s healthy turnout also made sure of the team points, getting double over their nearest rivals.
Under 8
1st Magnus Vincent (Kes), 2nd Luca Woodhouse (Kes), 3rd Oscar Hammond (Kes), 4th Liam Farrell (Ips)
Under 10
1st Charlie Beeton (Kes), 2nd Noah Woodhouse (Kes), 3rd Charlie Parr (Kes), 4th Kai Gowers (Ips)
Under 12
1st Oliver Wright (Kes), 2nd Jake Cazey (Kes), 3rd Hansan Ingram (Kes), 4th Tom Skinner (Kes)
Under 14
1st Lewis Brinkhoff (Kes), 2nd Oscar Webb (Ips), 3rd Jake Vincent (Kes), 4th Zak Cazey (Kes)
Under 17
1st Harrison Bacon (Ips), 2nd Pierce Bacon (Ips), 3rd Alex Harvey (Ips), 4th Reece Johnson (Ips)
1st Chloe Pearce (Ips), 2nd Gemma Hill (Ips)
Team Scores
Kesgrave 326, Ipswich 146, Blakenham 8, Hethersett 7
No of riders – 48 riders.